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Insight Legal software throws an execption error



Insight Legal Software uses a registry key to show the user path. This can cause a problem if the user was a workgroup user and then moves to be a domain user.


The old profile is Michael but the domian user on the same machine will be Michael.domain The softwar retains the old directory path in the domain.

The directory path can be deleted and it will be re-installed again correctly.

If the user changes machine again onto one they have not been on and they are using roaming profiles the program will look down the modified path with the domain specifier and will not find it. Again the registry key has to be re deleted.

This appears to only affect roaming profiles. There is an article about this in Technet about single click program installations and roaming profiles but Insight deny (like a lot of software companies who want to blame everyone but them selves)  that this is a problem, which it evidently is as uninstalling the program does not remove the registry keys.

Here is the manual process from Insight. They suggest automating it in a logon script which is an answer but not a solution.

The issue that you are encountering is caused by the profile being created having a registry key in it that relates to a different user, I’m unsure how you are creating the profiles but the key in question is as follows:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > InsightLegalSoftware > InsightLegal > SendToLoc

On a fresh profile there should be no key present, the install and first login will create this key and set it to the correct location.


To resolve the issue I un installed insight, removed the registry key manually using regedit, re installed the software and logged in.




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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 18-07-2016 16:10:37
Views: 494
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (22)

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