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When Windowes doesnt work with older help files such as in Lotus


Here is a solution (thanks to Komeil Bahmanpour):

Go to his site:


I needed a solution in order to get help working for Delphi Studio Architect on Windows 10.
Komeil's install.cmd file didn't work as is (its pre Win10) so I simply modified it.
Unpack the download (Install.cmd, winhlp32.exe, winhlp32.exe.mui) to a new directory. Edit the install.cmd and add the following two lines to the 'settings' section:

set WindowsVersion=7
goto :BypassVersionError

(yes, 'WindowsVersion=7' is correct.) Save the file and execute as administrator.
All should go without error. Delphi help, and every other help file I've tried, now works exactly as it should!

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Article ID: 20
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 18-11-2017 20:07:25
Views: 353
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (20)

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