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User with a roaming profile having issues when logged onto a new machine


This has been noticed in a compoany using roaming profiles where they were previously in a workgroup. The machine they use will create a new user profile such as user.domain instead of just user. The roaming profile will remember this for data location. When the user starts using a different system whiuch they have not used before the roaming profile will look for user.domain when in fact it has created only user.

On Insight this shows itself as an error unable to read a directory and an exception error. Here is Insights post:

"The issue that you are encountering is caused by the profile being created having a registry key in it that relates to a different user, the key in question is as follows:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > InsightLegalSoftware > InsightLegal > SendToLoc

On a fresh profile there should be no key present, the install and first login will create this key and set it to the correct location."

To resolve the issue I un installed insight, removed the registry key manually using regedit, re installed the software and logged in.

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Article details
Article ID: 9
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 22-06-2016 15:27:05
Views: 474
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (23)

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